其实除了Java之外,某些 其他编程语言也有类似概念,比如ABAP。今天我们就来比较一下。
根据ABAP帮助文档,我们可以把某个对象的引用包在一个Weak Reference的实例里。ABAP的Weak Reference实例通过类CL_ABAP_WEAK_REFERENCE实现。
看下面的例子:首先我在堆上创建了一个新的LCL_PERSON实例,然后包到一个ABAP weak reference里。
lo_person = NEW lcl_person( 'Jerry' ).
lo_weak = NEW cl_abap_weak_reference( lo_person ).
稍后,我们想拿到被包裹的lo_person引用时,使用weak reference提供的get方法。见下图示例:
lo_person = CAST lcl_person( lo_weak->get( ) ).
引用lo_person什么时候会变成initial呢?如果当ABAP垃圾回收器(Garbage Collector)开始工作时,已经没有任何引用再指向lo_person, 则lo_person会变成initial。
REPORT ztest. PARAMETERS: clear TYPE char1 as CHECKBOX DEFAULT abap_true, gc TYPE char1 as CHECKBOX DEFAULT abap_true. CLASS lcl_person DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA: mv_name TYPE string. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_person IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD: constructor. me->mv_name = iv_name. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: lo_person TYPE REF TO lcl_person, lo_weak TYPE REF TO cl_abap_weak_reference. lo_person = NEW lcl_person( 'Jerry' ). lo_weak = NEW cl_abap_weak_reference( lo_person ). IF clear = abap_true. CLEAR: lo_person. ENDIF. IF gc = abap_true. cl_abap_memory_utilities=>do_garbage_collection( ). ENDIF. lo_person = CAST lcl_person( lo_weak->get( ) ). IF lo_person IS INITIAL. WRITE: / 'reference not available'. ELSE. WRITE: / 'reference still available'. ENDIF.
这个report有两个开关,如下图。第一个开关控制lo_person这个引用是否被关键字CLEAR显式地置为INITIAL, 第二个开关决定是否在代码中显式地调用ABAP垃圾回收器。
Java中的weak reference表现行为和ABAP一致。
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;class Person { private String mName; public Person(String name) { this.mName = name; } public String getName() { return this.mName; } }public class WeakReferenceTest { public static void check(Person person) { if (person == null) { System.out.println("Reference invalid"); } else { System.out.println("Reference still available"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Person jerry = null; WeakReferenceperson = new WeakReference (new Person( "Jerry")); jerry = new Person("Ben"); // if you comment out this line, Reference will be available System.gc(); Person restore = person.get(); check(restore); } }
ABAP Soft reference - ABAP软应用
在我目前使用的ABAP Netweaver 750 SP4系统中,ABAP软应用尚未实现,
在系统里只有个空的CL_ABAP_SOFT_REFERENCE, 其描述信息写的是Do Not Use this Class!
那么我们就来试试Java的软应用 Soft Reference:
package reference;import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;import java.util.ArrayList;class Person2 { private String mName; public Person2(String name) { this.mName = name; } public String getName() { return this.mName; } public void finalize() { System.out.println("finalize called: " + this.mName); } public String toString() { return "Hello, I am " + this.mName; } }public class SoftReferenceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { SoftReferenceperson = new SoftReference (new Person2( "Jerry")); System.out.println(person.get()); ArrayList big = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { big.add(new Person2(String.valueOf(i))); } System.gc(); System.out.println("End: " + person.get()); } }
Hello, I am Jerry
End: Hello, I am Jerry
Java 虚引用 PhantomReference
package aop;import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;public class PhantomReferenceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Object phantomObj; PhantomReference phantomRef, phantomRef2; ReferenceQueue phantomQueue; phantomObj = new String("Phantom Reference"); phantomQueue = new ReferenceQueue(); phantomRef = new PhantomReference(phantomObj, phantomQueue); System.out.println("1 Phantom Reference:" + phantomRef.get()); System.out.println("2 Phantom Queued: " + phantomRef.isEnqueued()); phantomObj = null; System.gc(); System.out.println("3 Anything in Queue? : " + phantomQueue.poll()); if (!phantomRef.isEnqueued()) { System.out.println("4 Requestion finalization."); System.runFinalization(); } System.out.println("5 Anything in Queue?: " + phantomRef.isEnqueued()); phantomRef2 = (PhantomReference) phantomQueue.poll(); System.out.println("6 Original PhantomReference: " + phantomRef); System.out.println("7 PhantomReference from Queue: " + phantomRef2); } }
1. Phantom Reference: null
2. Phantom Queued: false
3. Anything in Queue? : null
5. Anything in Queue?: true
6. Original PhantomReference: java.lang.ref.PhantomReference@2a139a55
7. PhantomReference from Queue: java.lang.ref.PhantomReference@2a139a55
和之前介绍的弱引用(WeakReference)和软引用(SoftReference)不同,包裹在虚引用(PhantomReference)中的对象实例无法通过需引用的get方法返回,因此在第一行输出我们会看到: “1. Phantom Reference: null”.
在上面示例代码中虚引用PhantomReference的构造函数里, 我传入了一个队列作为输入参数。当包裹在虚引用实例中的对象引用被Java垃圾回收器删除时,虚引用实例本身会自动被JVM插入我之前指定到虚引用构造函数输入参数的那个队列中去。
当phantomObj实例被JVM删除后, 虚引用PhantomReference本身被加入到队列中,并且能够通过队列提供的API所访问:phantomQueue.poll(). 打印输出的第6行和第7行也说明了这一点。