本篇文章给大家分享的是有关SQL Server中怎么实现分页存储,小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家学习,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后可以有所收获,话不多说,跟着小编一起来看看吧。
创建数据库data_Test :
create database data_Test GO use data_Test GO create table tb_TestTable --创建表 ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, userName nvarchar(20) not null, userPWD nvarchar(20) not null, userEmail nvarchar(40) null ) GO
set identity_insert tb_TestTable on declare @count int set@count=1 while @count<=2000000 begin insert into tb_TestTable(id,userName,userPWD,userEmail) values(@count,'admin','admin888','lli0077@yahoo.com.cn') set @count=@count+1 end set identity_insert tb_TestTable off
1、利用select top 和select not in进行分页
create procedure proc_paged_with_notin --利用select top and select not in ( @pageIndex int, --页索引 @pageSize int --每页记录数 ) as begin set nocount on; declare @timediff datetime --耗时 declare @sql nvarchar(500) select @timediff=Getdate() set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * from tb_TestTable where(ID not in(select top '+str(@pageSize*@pageIndex)+' id from tb_TestTable order by ID ASC)) order by ID' execute(@sql) --因select top后不支技直接接参数,所以写成了字符串@sql select datediff(ms,@timediff,GetDate()) as 耗时 set nocount off; end
2、利用select top 和 select max(列键)
create procedure proc_paged_with_selectMax --利用select top and select max(列) ( @pageIndex int, --页索引 @pageSize int --页记录数 ) as begin set nocount on; declare @timediff datetime declare @sql nvarchar(500) select @timediff=Getdate() set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * From tb_TestTable where(ID>(select max(id) From (select top '+str(@pageSize*@pageIndex)+' id From tb_TestTable order by ID) as TempTable)) order by ID' execute(@sql) select datediff(ms,@timediff,GetDate()) as 耗时 set nocount off; end
3、利用select top和中间变量
create procedure proc_paged_with_Midvar --利用ID>最大ID值和中间变量 ( @pageIndex int, @pageSize int ) as declare @count int declare @ID int declare @timediff datetime declare @sql nvarchar(500) begin set nocount on; select @count=0,@ID=0,@timediff=getdate() select @count=@count+1,@ID=case when @count<=@pageSize*@pageIndex then ID else @ID end from tb_testTable order by id set @sql='select top '+str(@pageSize)+' * from tb_testTable where ID>'+str(@ID) execute(@sql) select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as 耗时 set nocount off; end
4、利用Row_number() 此方法为SQL server 2005中新的方法,利用Row_number()给数据行加上索引
create procedure proc_paged_with_Rownumber --利用SQL 2005中的Row_number() ( @pageIndex int, @pageSize int ) as declare @timediff datetime begin set nocount on; select @timediff=getdate() select * from (select *,Row_number() over(order by ID asc) as IDRank from tb_testTable) as IDWithRowNumber where IDRank>@pageSize*@pageIndex and IDRank<@pageSize*(@pageIndex+1) select datediff(ms,@timediff,getdate()) as 耗时 set nocount off; end
create procedure proc_CTE --利用临时表及Row_number ( @pageIndex int, --页索引 @pageSize int --页记录数 ) as set nocount on; declare @ctestr nvarchar() declare @strSql nvarchar() declare @datediff datetime begin select @datediff=GetDate() set @ctestr='with Table_CTE as (select ceiling((Row_number() over(order by ID ASC))/'+str(@pageSize)+') as page_num,* from tb_TestTable)'; set @strSql=@ctestr+' select * From Table_CTE where page_num='+str(@pageIndex) end begin execute sp_executesql @strSql select datediff(ms,@datediff,GetDate()) set nocount off; end
以上就是SQL Server中怎么实现分页存储,小编相信有部分知识点可能是我们日常工作会见到或用到的。希望你能通过这篇文章学到更多知识。更多详情敬请关注创新互联行业资讯频道。