最近3D VDI 用户反馈,Windows 10从v1803升级到v1809后,进入3D VDI后鼠标指针丢失,但是功能还是可以用的。又是一个蛋疼的问题。查了Citrix官网,已经是Citrix known issue了,而且在Windows 10 v1809上也很多其它的known issue。具体请参考Citrix官网:https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX234973
目前Citrix官网说正在working with Microsoft解决这个问题,给出了一个workaround,具体信息见下:
Issue 7 - Issue Description
Mouse pointer is not visible within a v1809 HDX 3D pro session. All operations inside the session are to be performed by keyboard using shortcuts. This issue is seen with Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop 7.15 only. This issue is not seen with later versions of XenApp/XenDesktop.
Problem Cause
A change in mouse functionality API\'s is causing this issue.
Citrix is working with Microsoft to resolve this issue. As a work around, users could enable mouse pointer trails by following below steps:
注册表键值路径:HEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\ Mouse
然后新建一个String Value,命名为:MouseTrails
填写一个键值,键值范围是:1 ~ 7
1 – Minimum length trails.
4 – Medium length trails.
7 – Maximum length trails.